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Acupressure is the ancient Chinese healing technique that uses the fingers to press acupuncture points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.
When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and Chi to stimulate healing.
Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, while acupuncturists use needles, Chinese massage therapists uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands and fingers on the same points.
There is extensive scientific data that demonstrates how acupuncture and acupressure are effective. Acupressure, possibly the older of the two traditions, was used to a lesser extend after the Chinese developed more technological methods for stimulating points with needles, and, in modern time with electro-stimulation.
Acupressure, however, remain an effective method of treatment for stress-related complaints as well as more chronic ailments.There are many advantages to using acupressure to balance the body and maintain good health.
The healing power of acupressure reduces tension, increases blood and Chi circulation, allowing the body to relax deeply. By relieving stress and tensions, acupressure strengthens resistance to disease stimulates immune defences and promotes wellbeing.With acupressure, local symptoms are considered an manifestation of the symptoms in the body as a whole.
A headache, for instance, may be rooted in the shoulder and neck area, or related to the liver and Spleen in case of a migraine .
Acupressure focuses on relieving pain and discomfort as well as responding to energetic imbalance before it develops into a "disease" that is, before any constrictions and imbalances can cause further problems.
By using a combination of acupressure point I can improve your condition as well as make you feel more alive, healthy, and in harmony with your life. In addition to managing stress, you can use acupressure to relieve and prevent sports injuries.
Sports massage has been widely used by athletes before and after Olympic events. Acupressure complements sports medicine treatments by using points and massage techniques to improve muscle tone and circulation and relieve neuromuscular problems.
The Chinese have also used acupressure as a beauty treatment for thousands of years. You can use potent points to improve skin condition and tone and relax the facial muscles, which can lessen the appearance of wrinkles without drugs.
Although acupressure is not a substitute for medical care, it is often an appropriate complementary treatment.
It can, for instance, speedup the healing of a broken bone once it has been set, or aid a cancer patient by helping to alleviate some of the associated pain and anxiety of the disease.
Acupressure can be an effective adjunct to osteopathic treatment and physiothrapy. By relaxing and toning the back muscles, acupressure makes the spinal adjustments easier and more effective, and the results last longer.
I use acupressure and Chinese masage Therapy effectively with babies and children, or with people experiencing an acute phobia of needles.
I also combine acupressure with moxibustion.
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