What can acupuncture do for you?
The benefit of acupuncture varies from one individual to another, but generally acupuncture treatment reduces stress, increases general well being drastically, improves health and self healing, strengthens natural vitality and the natural defenses of the organism, in other words it makes people function better and feel healthier.
How many acupuncture treatments are needed?
The number of treatments varies according to the condition treated.
The statistics carried out in my practice show an average of 8 treatments per person.
Usually, 4 to 6 treatments are needed initially at weekly intervals; then a few more treatments are required on longer periods of time to make sure that the condition does not reoccur.
Does acupuncture hurt ?
The needles are thin like a hair and certainly have nothing in common with a syringe needle.
A slight prickling sensation is felt as the needle pierces the skin and sometimes a tingling sensation is experienced while the needles are in place.
How many needles are used in one acupuncture treatment ?
Two to eight points needled bilaterally in one treatment is about the average.
What should you expect?
Everyone's response to treatment is different, so I don't have preconceived ideas or rigid expectations.
Some people quickly feel much better, while some don't notice any immediate changes.
Often the first changes to occur improve the overall state of health, and one will experience better sleeping, feeling more relaxed or "even".
A feeling of lightness and well-being are also common. As the whole person is treated, emotional, mental and physical changes happen together.
The symptoms might still be present, but they will lessen with time. Since it took time to get the disease, it will take time to cure it.
Are there any side effects to an acupuncture treatment?
Usually not. Occasionally the original symptoms worsen for a day; it should not cause concern, as this is simply an indication that the acupuncture is starting to work.
It is quite common with the first one or two treatments to have a sensation of deep relaxation or even mild disorientation immediately following the treatment..
Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work?
No. Acupuncture is used successfully on cats, dogs, horses and other animals.
These animal patients do not understand or believe in the process that helps them get better.
A constructive attitude toward a better health may reinforce the effects of the treatment received.