(1) Rock Rose *
Terror, panic to the point of being almost paralysed with fear. It was one of the original 12 remedies and deep acting. It is usually prescribed as a component of rescue remedy mentioned later.
(2) Mimulus
For the fear of the known, every day things, such as going to a new school, the dentist, or any ordeal. They tend to be shy, nervous, anxious people, and the remedy is commonly prescribed for children who find it difficult approaching new events and situations. Often the remedy will be prescribed with Larch which helps with confidence. If not treated the fear can develop into the terror or Rock Rose.
(3) Cherry Plum
A fear of themselves - of the mind giving way, of going out of control and doing something foolish including harming themsel Ëves.
(4) Aspen
Fear of no known course, unlike Mimlus, where the patients do not know why they are frightend. May help with panic attacks when the person doesn't know why they are afraid, or the child who has nightmares or wants to go to bed but he/she does not know why he/ she is terrified or anxious.
(5) Red Chestnut
A fear for others. The overprotective wife/husband or parent who always imagines the worst about their spouse or child
(6) Cerato
A remedy for lack of confidence in themselves and their decision making so that they are constantly seeking advice and cannot stand on their own feet.They are never satisfied with themselves.
(7) Scleranthus
A remedy which can be useful if someone is at a crosssroads in life and cannot decide between two courses of action. Indecisive and often procrastinates.
(8) Gentian
People who are discouraged and disappointed and easily give up when confronted with difficulty. It may be a useful intercurrent remedy; if recovery from treatment is slow or, whatever therapy is used there is a slight set back.
(9) Gorse
A step worse than Gentian. One leaves the pessimism of Gentain to the despair and hopelessness of Gorse. Compare with Rock Rose and Resue Remedy when there is also fear. It has been known that people sleeping by Gorse bushes have become very depressed ,although no scientific provings have been done as homoeopathic remedies.
(10) Hornbeam
For apathy and lethargy, though they may fulfil a task once stimulated. A good supporting remedy where more mental strength is needed.
(11) Wild Oat
This is similar in some ways to Scleranthus. However the person benefitted feels unfulfilled because they have lost their way in life. Their difficulty is in determining what occupation to follow, rather than the Scleranthus idea of choosing betwen two pathways.
(12) Clematis
A lack of interest. Often helpful for those, especially chil Ëdren, who switch off and appear to day -dream. It has helped many whose teachers say that they would do well at school if only they would concentrate on the present. People who build sand castles in the air ; they do not seem properly "earthed".
(13) Honeysuckle
If Clematis day dreams on the future, Honeysuckle looks to the past with nostalgia. They regret things they have done or not done in the past. Often this remedy will be useful on the anniversary of an ex-partner or at Christmas time when a patient is remembering happier times when their parents or spouses were still alive.
(14) Wild Rose
Apathy and resignation. Not so much a state of depression but more sense of having given up doing anything to help themselves. A useful "handrail" when a patient is not willing to alter their diet because they feel that it is no use and nothing further can be done for them.
(15) Olive
A great strengthener where, after illness (e.g.flu), even after pregnancy, everything is an effort and they feel exhausted. No energy.
(16) White Chestnut
A remedy which can help with bringing peace of mind where unwanted thoughts enter the mind and the patient seems to have no control. The thought may bring sleeplessness as they churn around, or the patient may be distressed, having mental arguments with themselves.
(17) Mustard
A state of depression for no known reason. As if a cloud of depression envelops them and later lifts. If the cause of depression is known Gentian or Gorse would be better remedies.
(18) Chestnut Bud
For people who seem to have health or other problems because they appear to keep making the same continual mistakes in their lifestyle without apparently learning any lessons from them.
(19) Water Violet *
Reserved, aloof people who enjoy being on their own. An element of pride and superiority which can lead to stiffness and other complaints.
(20) Impatiens *
Again people who enjoy being on their own to work at their own pace. They can have mental Ë tension and impatience and irritability. They may be impatient with the practitioner, seeking early recovery and also impatient with staff and colleagues who do not work quickly enough. This can lead to stress related ailments.
(21) Heather
People who suffer from loneliness and will talk about their suffering and their situation in life. The opposite of Water Violet is that they seek companionship and sympathy and are obsessed with their own troubles. An aspect of the homoeopathic remedy Pulsatilla is to be found here.