Acupuncture for birth Induction
Acupuncture can be used to help induce a baby naturally if a mother is more than a few days beyond her due date. Treatment for birth induction will make use of special techniques and points that can help to start the contractions. Many mothers who have gone over their due date prefer to try a natural approach before going for any kind of medical induction which can be rather uncomfortable.
Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a long tradition of assisting in the initiation of labour. Th final few weeks of pregnancy can be a bit uncomfortable and stressful when delivery is near or overdue; the body can get tenser and essentially delay labour further by falling into a sympathetic loop, where too much adrenalin (a fight or flight hormone which inhibits labour) is released. Acupuncture relaxes the body from this tense state, and stops the sympathetic loop. Some research indicates that certain points, when stimulated, can trigger the release of oxytocin from the post pituitary gland, which leads to uterine contraction. By using Electro-stimulation of acupuncture points, the contractions can be stimulated easily, so avoiding synthetic doses of pharmaceutical oxytocin. Once contractions have begun, points on the ear can be used to help maintain a continual healthy delivery, lessening pain and stress
Acupuncture for breech presentation
A baby will generally settle into a cephalic -head down – position by week 34/36 of pregnancy. When the baby is head up, this is referred to as a breech position.
An estimated 3.5% of the babies that are born are in breech presentation just before delivery. Sometimes, the obstetrician will try to turn the baby in the womb. This is an uncomfortable procedure for the expectant mother. About 80% of the women with a baby in breech presentation will ultimately have a caesarean operation. Most of those women would rather experience a natural delivery. For that reason, many of them try a special technique of Chinese medicine: warming and heating Acupuncture point, BL67 which is situated on the little toe.This helps to stimulate the baby to move whilst at the same time relaxing the uterine muscles, encouraging the baby to turn. The treatment is done once a day until the baby turn, often one treatment only is needed
This is a special technique, using moxibustion on a point on the 5th toe that can turn a breech baby into the right position.
It works best before 36 weeks, although I have had some success turning breech babies at 37 and 38 weeks.
Beyond 37 weeks, the baby is now too big to turn completely, but at 33 or 37 weeks there is still enough room to move.